The ADD Framework

Throughout the years of conducting workshops, we created a simple framework that everybody could adapt.

In public space, 


Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings.


In Aikido, we learn about ma-ai (間合い) - the distance between two opponents. Ways to keep a safe distance between oneself and the opponent include moving, running, hiding, etc.


When one is running out of space, or being attacked/caught by surprise (literally), the person needs to deploy some techniques, fight back, and run. Being physically and mentally prepared are the keys to survival.

In a safe environment such as workplace/school, or when someone that you trust is nearby, we will have a slightly different approach to ADD:


Avoid conflicts and ignore disagreement. 


Be assertive and say ‘NO’. Always respect and maintain personal space.


Free yourself from physical contact. And get help from other people.

The above information was first presented to the public by PANG Jeng Min in 2013 and has continued to evolve.Last updated: 17 January 2024.