Martin Dörr
Post date: Jan 19, 2016 1:23:11 PM
"Everywhere and, of course also in Penang, I felt very much welcome to train. In your dojo all were very motivated and enthusiastic about aikido and had a lot of energy. I enjoyed the smooth style you teach and the way you explained techniques! I enjoyed your group of motivated Aikidokas with every single one of them being very helpful and I even got a ride back to my hostel. Thank you very again. If anyone ever comes to Germany - I'd be happy to introduce you to our dojo in Ingolstadt."Best wishes,Martin Dörr(Started aikido in 2010 at the university in shinki rengo style. Changed to Aikikai style in 2011. Continued in 2013 in DAB style at Patrick David (3th Dan) in Ingolstadt. Started traveling in October 2015 and visited Dojos in Delhi, Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Yangon.)